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- Arora Studios Artwork -
Elevate your home or office with fine art from Raven Bear Design. Wether your passion is wildlife or outer-space; our artists have giclee prints & limited editions on fine art paper ready for immediate shipping. Many items are available as greeting cards.
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We can also work with you to create something original for your specific design needs. Pet portraits, cosplay and personal portraits can be created from photos you provide.
Paintings below were done with airbrush, hand-brush, nail polish & watercolor:
Stalking LeopardThe big cat comes out of the darkness with an intense focus off at his prey. This piece was hand drawn drawn with vibrant colored sharpie markers. | Resting BengalAll that can be seen of a golden colored bengal tiger is his face and one paw; as it lays on a branch looking directly at you. This piece was hand drawn with vibrant colored sharpie markers. | Jaguar StareThe most intense of the big cats; a jaguar lays contently on the jungle floor as it looks directly at you. This piece was hand drawn drawn with vibrant colored sharpie markers. |
![]() Mother with PupA profile view of a white wolf face; her golden colored pup nuzzling under her chin. This piece was hand painted on a round piece of seashell with nail-polish; total size is 2 inches. | ![]() Winter WolfThe eyes are simultaneously calm and fierce as they stare straight at you with the most vibrant teal blue color you can imagine. The rest of the face is also visible - with its deep black nose and soft fluffy fur flowing out in shades of purple and blue - but the eyes have your complete attention. The original piece was done with wax crayons on textured watercolor paper. | ![]() Dusk FlightFiery Autumn colors of the evening sun show through layers of clouds. A spot of bright yellow blending outward into bright orange, then blending into darker coppery orange and browns. In stark silhouette contrast - a v formation of geese cross the skyline as they fly over a pond just barely reflecting the sunset colors through the brush. The original piece was done in Airbrush & Sharpie Markers. |
![]() White Raven MoonYou never see a raven flying at night - but this is a magical white raven flying above the clouds with a bright full moon behind her. The moonlight glows through her feathers so brightly; it's as if she cast a light of her own and the reflected light on the edges of the clouds is coming from her - not the moon. The original piece was done in acrylic & watercolor on silk. | ![]() Patriot SpiritThe great spirit of the bald eagle comes into focus from the background of an old, yellowing American flag. This piece was hand drawn and painted with airbrush & hand-brush acrylic paint techniques. | ![]() Black BeautyThe black bear of the Pacific Northwest. As the only bear that maintains the ability to climb trees into adulthood; his biggest message is to overcome obstacles. This bear has none to face right now as his fat body and coal black fur stands out against a dry grass and fir tree background. The original piece was painted over the top of watercolor & airbrush blended with solvent based paints. |
![]() The Great ProviderThe polar bear is a powerful spirit guide and a formidable presence. In this piece he stands on the edge of the icy shore looking strait at you.his black eyes, nose and claws are a strong contrast to his snow white fur and pale blue water. There is only one bear; but the stillness of the water allows for a perfect reflection - making you see 2. The original piece was hand painted with acrylic over the top of a background of airbrushed solvent based paint. | ![]() Raven SpaceIt's not every day you see a bird in space; but this is a magical white raven. She is free to roam wherever the rest of the spirits take her... even into the vastness of space; where she flies past a gaseous nebula before heading back to the planet. The original piece was done with airbrush paints & colored sharpie Markers. | ![]() Painted War PonyThe front on view of a tribal warriors pony; looking directly at you with war paint on its face and feathers in its flowing mane. This piece was hand painted on a round piece of seashell with nail-polish; total size is 2 inches. |
![]() Autumn DisplayThe proud and noble North American turkey in full display with wings down and a flared tail. Standing on the branch of a maple tree hosting vibrant red and orange leaves. The original piece was hand painted with watercolor paints and colored markers on heavy paper. | Don't Pet Me"Im a marsupial - not a bear!" This adorable creature native only to Australia clings to a bare tree trunk looking at you with his soft alluring eyes. You want to reach out and pet the koalas soft fur - but don't. The original piece was hand drawn with oil acrylic crayons. | ![]() Brisk Morning MooseIt is cold and still. An out of focus sage brush field stretching out to blue hills in the distant background is the viewing stage for this young moose. He faces you; but he's looking past you into the distance... His ears are up and alert between his smooth paddles... But there is nothing to be concerned with... No danger here today. The original piece was done with airbrush & watercolor paints. |
![]() Dominant FallNot your ordinary substrate of canvas or paper... The face of a bengal tiger fits perfectly with his yellow eyes, black stripes and white bits of fur blending perfectly with the natural coppery colors of the autumn season maple leaf. The original piece was hand painted with acrylic paints on a natural maple leaf. | ![]() MotherhoodAn ape mother siting contently; looking down upon her newborn as she cradles it in her arms. The original piece was hand painted on a round piece of seashell with nail-polish; total size is 2 inches. |
Drawings below were done with with graphite, ballpoint, ink pen and sharpie Markers:
Lounging but AlertA full grown lynx lays on the ground looking off into the distance. His light grey colored fur stands out against the black background and dark grass that come naturally with the night. Original drawing done with ball point ink pen, colored pensils and sharpie markers. | IntenseAll that can be seen of a white Siberian tiger is his face and one paw; as he lays on a branch looking directly at you. This black and white drawing was done with ink pen and sharpie markers. | Cougar KittenThese big cats are born with pale but vibrant blue eyes. This little guy has propped himself on a fallen log. He looks off into the darkness with a curiosity reserved only for the very young. Original drawing done with ball point ink pen, colored pencils and sharpie markers. |
Trixy's PortraitTrixy is the beloved family pet - a fluffy collie papillon mix. Sitting proudly in front of a rhododendron bush; waiting patiently for someone to throw her favorite ball. Original black and white drawing was done with ball point ink pen and graphite pencil. | Muffin's PortraitAll you see is that fluffy face... Cute button nose and dark eyes looking at you with the contentment that accompanies the pampered life of Pomeranian. Original black and white drawing was done with ball point ink pen and grease pencil. | Afternoon CatchA bald eagle rises with the weight of a small trout in the grip of his long talons. Wings spread and tail flared as he caries his lunch across the fir tree and mountain background. Original drawing done with ball point ink pen and iridescent paint. |
Midnight HuntNighttime is when this small owl starts her day. Coming down from the tree in pursuit of a midnight snack... The detail of pale feathers stand out boldly against the rough texture of the dark brown tree bark behind her. Original drawing done with ball point ink pen and sharpie markers. | NobleA classic and easily recognized bust view of a bald eagle. The only color that stands out from this high contrast black and white drawing is the bold and bright yellow eye. Original drawing done with ball point ink pen and sharpie markers. | What?"No really... what do you want?" Those are the words you hear in your head as you look at this eastern grey squirrel. He sits there; perched on a branch; looking at you with both curiosity and annoyance. "Go away; I'm busy here..." Original black and white drawing done with ball point ink pen and sharpie markers. |
What Just Happened?The raccoons compulsion to wash food before eating it is all well and good unless they ran off with a clump of cotton candy... That's what happened in this drawing. The cotton candy dissolves when it comes in contact with water... He stands there at the waters edge with empty paws... Wait; it was just here; I had it in my hands... What happened?!? Original drawing done with ball point ink pen, colored pencils and sharpie markers. | Leopard StareThis amazing cat is impressive when seen during the day or night. This drawing captures the bold spotted pattern against a solid black background as this beautiful animal sits in a grassy field staring off into that darkness. Original drawing done with ball point ink pen, colored pencil and sharpie markers. | Just a SnackIt's a lazy day for this rhino. Just taking a stroll through his natural habitat; grazing as he goes... Yup; that's a few strands of long grass sticking out of his mouth as he approaches the waters edge... He likes to snack on the go. Original drawing done with ball point ink pen, colored pencil and sharpie markers. |
Time to RestIt's a damp overcast afternoon in the Pacific Northwest; but this bull elk doesn't seem to mind the weather as he lays on the forest floor; his head held tall and proud; showing off his impressive set of horns. Lots of grazing to do later - right now it's time to rest. Original drawing done with ball point ink pen, colored pencil and sharpie markers. | ![]() MetamorphIf ever there was a drawing left purely to the imagination for color - this is it. Yes it is a butterfly... Yes it is perched beautifully on a wide blooming flower. But what colors are there? Only your mind can decide... Perhaps with the help of a box of crayons. Original black and white drawing done with ball point ink pen and sharpie markers. |
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